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Tips to Preventing Yourself From STIs

Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise, and they can be hectic to treat if your contract them. These infections are contracted through sexual intercourse, and some of them can be life-threatening especially if they are not treated early enough. Therefore it is essential that you be tested for STIs such as HIV Aids, Gonorrhea, candidiasis and herpes. So what tips can help you stay away from STIs?
First of all, having a single sex partner helps in reducing the chances of you contracting sexually transmitted infections. People who have multiple sexual partners increase the chances of spreading STIs.Those partners may likely have other sexual partners, and thus you are more chances that you will contract the infections. Visit now.

It is also essential that you be fully aware every time you are having sex.this means that sexual intercourse should be free from alcohol and other drugs. Having sex when you are sober ensures that you make sure decisions such as proper use of female condom and male condoms and thus reducing the chances of you contracting the deadly infections.

It is critical that you establish specific rules together with your sexual partner. For example, if you get tested for STI, it is only right that you share the information with your partner. Further, you can also acomany your partner while they go for sexually transmitted infection screening.

For both men and women having sex with the use of a condom reduced the chances of contracting sexually transmitted infections including HIV Aids. Proper use of a condom is known to reduce chances of contracting HIV Aids to zero. The appropriate use of a condom is thus recommended especially for people who have multiple partners. A female condom can also be used to effectively minimize the chances of you coming in to contact with the sexually transmitted infections.

The surgical process of removing the foreskin in men also known as circumcision is known to offer protection to men against sexually transmitted infections including the HIV. In addition to thus, some STIs will require vaccination such as herpes and hepatitis B.

Regular screening is also essential in ensuring that you re free from STIs.You should regularly walk into a facility and get tested for sexually transmitted disease as well be able to get advice on how you can stay free from sexually transmitted infections.These tips will ensure that you stay away from sexually transmitted diseases. Check out for more at

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